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Our Uniform

wear it with pride

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We have worked extremely hard on our uniform, trying to make it unique and appealing while still making it cheap and use items that lots of players already own. We ask that you do not wear our uniform unless you are in the club. It is seen as disrespectful, as when you join the club you receive the honour of wearing our uniform.


We do not own the uniform, but it was solely created by us, therefore we cannot stop you from using it but we would appreciate if you don't.


We give our Starries plenty of time to get the uniform, especially the club horse. We advise to buy most items using jorvik shillings rather than star coins as it can be quite pricey.


We have two sets of uniform, one for dressage and the other for liberty. The dressage uniform is horse and rider whereas the liberty is for the horse only.


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Jorvik Stables black western bridle

Jorvik Stables - 100sc --js

Black winter saddle

New Hillcrest - 40sc 1300js

Franziska's black saddle pad

Mall - 79sc 7790js

True white bows

Mall - 29sc --js

Pink legwraps

Fort Pinta - 80sc --js

Dapple grey Andalusian

Fort Pinta - 950sc

Special braided mane style (preferred)

Any grooms - 19sc --js

Black dressage hat

Silverglade - 99sc --js

Pink AAE member's jumper

Observatory 12 - 88sc 8350js

Unistria gloves

Mall - 29sc 2990js

Concorde pants

Jarlaheim - 95sc 9750js

White fall boots

Jarlaheim - 106 sc 9600js

Unistria visor

Mall - 39sc 3990js

Pink legwraps

Fort Pinta - 80sc --js

Any Lusitano


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