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Want to join Moon Protectors? You can apply to us below.


MP is a competitive academic style dressage family based on Candy Cove, we have a highly selective application process. We do this so we are able to select people that are best suited for our team and our ambitions. We are ideal for those who are looking to sharpen their dressage skills, compete in competitions or even learn dressage for the first time. We do expect active club members, however we're very understanding that real life comes first!


All applications are read through once applications close. We sort through and select who seems like the best fit for the club. Those who are selected and put through a trial, this is for us to see how well you fit in and commit to the club.


Everyone who applies will be given the applicant role in our server, this is so our members can get to know you and you can get to know them.


Before applying, we recommend viewing our about us and dressage section for a better understanding of what we offer and out teaching methods.


☆ Star rider, level 16+ only.
☆ At least 16 years old.
☆ Must be on the UK servers.
☆ Must be OK with profanities and cursing.

☆ Must be ok and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.
☆ Must have some basic knowledge of SSO dressage.
☆ Must have discord, however you do not need a mic.
☆ You must be able to make 50% attendance per month (roughly 3 events per week)
☆ You must own a Friesian (preferred blue/variant 1).

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